5.05 Release Notes

  1. Item Title Character Limit (MINOR): Item Title’s now supports 80 characters which is aligned with eBay’s title field limit. We have also added a helper below the field that shows you the characters you have remaining.
  2. Receipts (MAJOR): Consignor receipts have been cleaned up to show the full title with the items specific sales attributes nested neatly underneath.
  3. Table Sorts (MINOR): Sorting in the Items Table has been enhanced and identify sorting with an underline in the column name and visually shows a caret to show the ascending or descending sort direction.
  4. Shipping Charges (BUG): Shipping charges now calculate correctly.
  5. Scheduler (BUG): Resolved an issue with our scheduling service which caused scheduled items to temporarily fail.. Users will have to reschedule affected items using our bulk relist feature by selecting eBay->Unsold->Select Items->Select ‘relist’ from the top right dropdown.

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