Over the past weekend we experienced a non-technical issue with our host provider, Amazon Web Services that caused an outage of the CPI/E-foro platform. The issue was related to our own seller account being mistakenly removed which in turn made it impossible for us to log in to our AWS accounts as well. We regret […]
eBay Fixed Priced Listings Change
As many customers may know by now, eBay recently implemented some sweeping changes in their Early 2019 Seller Update. One such example was the “Good ’til Cancelled” change for fixed duration listings. Good ‘Til Cancelled listings renew automatically every 30 days unless your item sells before that timeframe. https://pages.ebay.com/seller-center/seller-updates/2019-early Prior to this change, customers had […]
Added Remove Button to Catalogs
Changes were recently made to the eBay listing options for Catalogs. Due to valued customer feedback, we were able to change the “Change” option for cataloging options to “Remove” instead and improved functionality in this aspect. With this change, moving forward, you should now be able to properly copy over duplicate listings without being stuck […]
Changes to the eBay Listing Scheduler
Changes were recently made to the CrossPostit eBay listing scheduler. In order for these changes to take effect, you must verify your timezone in your location settings. You must also clear your browser cache. Once this is complete, you will notice that the scheduler is much more reliable.
eBay Duplicate Listing Bug Fixed
We recently released a fix that will prevent duplicate listings from being sent out to eBay. This is part of an ongoing effort to improve your experience when using Crosspostit. If you have any questions about what changed, reach out to our support team.