Mass Mailing Consignors

This is an easy way to promote to consignors you have not seen in a while, offer discount commissions or request certain items to be brought into the store. Start by going to Consignors > Consignor Mailing.

From this page, you can see any existing mailings you have done or if you are seeing this for the first time, you have a blank slate. If you have existing mailings, you can edit and resend these mailings. Let us Add a New Mailing.

First is Mailing Name and Description. This is only for your reference and not the consignors. Describe how you would like to reference this mailing on the previous screen.

Next is Subject and Body. Add in the Subject what you would like to catch your consignor’s attention with and then add the body of the message. You can add HTML in here also.

Last is who you would like to contact with this mailing. You can choose to send it to all consignors, people that have only consigned items with you once or anyone that you have not interacted with in 90 days. This way you can target one-time consignors or older consignors too.

Clicking Save does not send out the mailing. It stores it in CrossPostIt so you can save it for later or go ahead and prepare the listing.

After clicking Prepare, you can choose to add additional addresses in the CC box. Each recipient will receive their own email. All of the consignors will not see the other consignors email addresses.

You will be able to see the email you are going to be sending below the CC box. If something does not look correct, you should edit it. I also suggest sending a Test email to yourself to assure it will look correct prior to sending it to your entire database of consignors. Click Send Now when you are satisfied with the email blast.